15″ or 12″ Squares?
Should I use 15 Inch or 12 Inch Squares?
You can choose either 15 inch or 12 inch squares when designing your quilt. (All squares must be the same size; you cannot mix the two.)
Which size you choose generally depends on the size of your shirts and the size of the graphics on those shirts. An easy way to decide is to cut out a 15.5” square and a 12.5” square from a large piece of paper, like a newspaper, and place those over your shirt graphics.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Too small for 15″ square Too big for 12″ square
Generally, all of your shirts will fall into one size or the other, often you can do either. If all of your shirts suit one size best except for one or two, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to make those outliers work.
Since this is a local business, feel free to come on by to see some of the different options before you even start collecting your shirts. If that’s not convenient, the photo page on this website can be very helpful.